Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Corporate Corruption in America


With the daily news of corruption from corporations and government agencies, it boggles my mind why people will still accept capitalism as the correct structure for society. Great minds and the most peaceful leaders have supported Socialism over the centuries. Albert Einstein, Helen Keller, and John Lenin are a few.

The abolition of the capitalistic hierarchy is the only way America can move forward. Self-governing, self-owned cooperative unions is the way to developing and sustaining a balanced economic market. It would also create equality unparalleled to capitalism or other forms of government.

The recent crashes in our economy have brought about widespread homelessness, unemployment, rises in inflation, breakdown of infrastructure, and a the use of tyranny to fulfill a now revealed elite agenda.

Going to work everyday and doing your job should not be dependent upon whether a corporation decides you are suitable for work. People can work and have skills that are useful for a productive society. Education ensures this. An economy dependent on business for capital allows investors to walk away from hardworking people without repercussions.

Corporate CEOs and bankers can transfer capital into their own bank accounts and give themselves fat raises until they run the company to failure and raid the pension funds of workers. Sending someone to jail is NOT enough to repair the damage to all of the lives ruined by outrageous greed and total corruption. Meanwhile people lose their homes and their jobs and their lives.

Many socialist models exist that could offer solutions for America. This writer is not completely familiar with all of these, but in time will bring them to light. Socialism has the promise of giving freedom back to the people. Giving ownership to the cooperative working masses gives everyone a reason to work.

Unfortunately, power lies in the money already vested in corporations and the elite few who control them. They pay for political campaigns, decide our laws, and impose a police state upon all of us who do not agree. What do we not agree with? Their brand of forward progress. The progress that ensures the annihilation of the planet and anyone who stands in their way. Woman, children, families, disabled people, the sick, the elderly,  and the lives of hardworking people are all collateral damage to the almighty corporation. It breaks the backs of America. It kills us in so many ways. It spends enormous amounts of money to ensure that we believe they know what is best for America. All the glamour and propaganda shown in ads, television, and every choice available to us is determined by corporations.

They control the chemicals, the additives, the fillers, the fabric; every detail of marketing and product comes from within. They are not held liable for damages. They are not forced to comply to truth or change.

And unfortunately destroying that kind of power takes revolution. They have been granted the rights of a citizen in a court of law. Since their money is law, no real citizen stands a chance. The only way to break their backs is to STOP working for them and stop them working. To stop buying their products. To buy locally from independent business owners. To stop using credit. To buy as much locally grown food as we can. To separate America from its enslaver, it will take a revolution. The kind of revolution that starts with people who are working and dying for corporations.

If change doesn’t happen soon, it will be forced to happen. Peace will not rule in a society that is not peaceful. It is the inevitable cycle: the rise and fall of great civilizations has distinct markers. In order for the plundering to continue, the population must continue to grow, the advance of war must move forward, and they must keep America numb from the life real freedom has to offer.

Sigh. Ignorance. How to face that? People believe in a free for all. Like the world is a store and everything is for sale. Greed and over consumption is the way of the corporation. It is an infectious disease. It is the disease that makes us the plague of our planet. Socialism can mean sustainability. With capitalism, it is impossible.

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